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Where the Heart Is - Two novels exploring the meaning of community in Wales

  • Capel Horeb 70 Rhosmaen Street Llandeilo, Wales, SA19 6EN United Kingdom (map)


A discussion about community drawing on Kathy Biggs’ exploration of urban Swansea in Scrap and CP Davies’ lighthearted jaunt through rural life in Trecadno. 

Kathy Biggs is originally from Yorkshire, where she trained to be a nurse. She has lived in Wales since the 1980’s. After being made redundant in 2017 she started a creative writing course and has never looked back. 

Scrap is Kathy’s second novel - exploring the indomitable spirit to overcome life's challenges and start afresh, it is a captivating human fable of friendship and second chances set in a scrap yard in Swansea.

Christine Davies was brought up in the Carmarthenshire seaside town of Burry Port. After studying Biological Sciences at University College, London, she became a biology teacher. Retirement in 2021 provided the opportunity to rekindle her interest in fiction, resulting in the completion of Trecadno, a novel she started twenty years earlier. A minutely observed portrait of life in a Welsh village life.


Trafodaeth am y gymuned mewn llenyddiaeth, yn seiliedig ar archwiliad Kathy Biggs o Abertawe drefol yn ‘Scrap’ a thaith ysgafn CP Davies trwy fywyd gwledig Trecadno.

Daw Kathy Biggs o Swydd Efrog yn wreiddiol, lle hyfforddwyd i fod yn nyrs, ac wedi byw yng Nghymru ers y 1980au. Ar ôl iddi golli ei gwaith yn 2017, dechreuodd gwrs ysgrifennu creadigol a newidiodd ei bywyd.  

Ail nofel Kathy yw ‘Scrap’ – gan archwilio’r ysbryd i oresgyn heriau bywyd a dechrau o’r newydd, mae'n chwedl ddynol hudolus am gyfeillgarwch ac ail gyfle wedi'i gosod mewn iard sgrap yn Abertawe.

Magwyd Christine Davies ym Mhorth Tywyn, Sir Gâr. Daeth yn athrawes bioleg ar ôl astudio Gwyddoniaeth Fiolegol yn University College, Llundain. Yn 2021, gwelir ei ymddeoliad fel cyfle i ail-danio ei diddordeb mewn ffuglen, gan arwain at orffen ei nofel ‘Trecadno’ a ddechreuwyd ugain mlynedd ynghynt. Portread o fywyd mewn pentref Cymreig. 

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